PLDT Home DSL Speedster Fam Plan Encourages Sharing Within The Family

Has anyone ever thought of an internet provider sharing its data allocation for another subscriber? I know it sounds unusual, but the reality is, there are some mobile data subscribers who need more than their allotted monthly data allowance. If they need more mobile data to consume, that means they need to spend more.

The good news is the PLDT HOME DSL Speedster Fam Plan 1299 is here to make this a possibility. The PLDT HOME DSL Speedster Fam Plan 1299 lets subscribers enjoy download speeds up to 10 Mbps and at the same time have a monthly data allocation of 50GB. I think this is a good monthly DSL plan for families who need to be online for communication with family members, research and entertainment.

Here are some more good news: the 50GB monthly data allocation of the PLDT HOME DSL Speedster Fam Plan 1299 can be shared to the members of your household! To make this work, subscribers just need to get a Smart Postpaid line that comes with a free smartphone for an additional Php 299 per month. From then on, subscribers can share 6GB of their 50GB monthly data allocation to that Smart line.

Here’s the video of their TVC:

Let me give you an example. Rina is a housewife who has a daughter named Lane. Rina subscribed to the PLDT HOME DSL Speedster Fam Plan 1299 and also got her daughter an iPhone for only Php 799 a month. Since Rina and Lane both share the passion of sharing their good vibes via social media, the mother think 250 MB of free internet is not enough for her daughter. We know Ria loves Lane so much so she transfers 6GB of their Speedster Fam Plan’s 50GB monthly allocation to her daughter’s Smart line. Lane how has 6GB of mobile data allocation on her Smart Postpaid line which she can use to call, surf and share stuff on the internet. She doesn’t need to be at home to enjoy her 6GB of data allocation. She can definitely use it in school, in the mall, absolutely everywhere!

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